Stew with the spicy taste of ripe kimchi and savory taste of tuna.

Cooking Master's Secret
- The kimchi stew is delicious when the kimchi is slightly riped. The stronger the sour taste, the more sugar is added.
- Instead of canned tuna, add pork, anchovies, etc. for a different taste.
- Ingredients may include mushrooms, pumpkin, spam, canned saury, or canned mackerel.
- You can boil them all at once without roasting them.
- Instead of fresh water, you can boil the ingredients by putting rice-washed water in it.
/Main Ingredients/
150g ripe kimchi 1 canned tuna
/Side Ingredients/
1/3 tofu
1/4 onion
2 green peppers 1 green onion
1 tablespoon soy sauce for soup 1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon red pepper powder Salt, cooking oil
3 cups of water

How to Cook
1. Cut tofu into 2×3cm squares, and cut onions into 0.5cm width. Cut green pepper and green onion diagonally.
2. After roughly brushing off the kimchi seasoning, cut kimchi into 4cm wide.
3. Pour the tuna through a sieve to drain the oil.
4. When the pot gets hot, add cooking oil and kimchi, sugar and fry enough. Pour water and boil them together, and when the kimchi is soft, add tuna, chopped garlic, red pepper powder, tofu, onion, green onion, and red pepper to boil for a while, then season with soy sauce (for soup) and salt.
Quick and Easy Cooking for Home Meal 구입처

의견 등록

사이트 기준에 맞지 않는 욕설 및 수준이하의 비판, 모욕적인 내용은 삭제됩니다.


관련 커뮤니티

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