미연방 상원의원 마크 워너 & 한인사회 간담회

오늘 9.29일 5시에 미연방 상원의원 마크 워너 & 한인사회 간담회가 화상회의로 있습니다.

Just a friendly reminder about this special conversation with Sen. Warner (one of the most influential in the US Senate) and our community in about an hour.  You'll be able to speak directly with him.  Please join us if you can: bit.ly/WarnerCEC

Friends, I wanted to invite you to join a civic engagement conversation that I'm co-hosting with Sen. Mark Warner and the Korean American community on Monday (9/28) at 5pm ET.  (This is not a fundraiser.)

As you may know, Sen. Warner is the Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and former Virginia Governor, venture capitalist, and tech executive.  This is a great opportunity for us to hear from him on a variety of issues and share our thoughts with him.  Register at:

의견 등록

사이트 기준에 맞지 않는 욕설 및 수준이하의 비판, 모욕적인 내용은 삭제됩니다.


관련 커뮤니티

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