A dish of different taste dumplings made with fried dumplings in a sweet and salty sauce

Cooking Master's Secret
- You can chop the onion finely.
- If you want spicy, add Cheongyang green pepper.
- You can enjoy a different taste with cheese powder.

/Main Ingredients/
1 bag of dumplings (about 10)
/Side Ingredients/
80g green onions
4 garlic cloves
1 red pepper (dried pepper)
1 green pepper

2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon water
Cooking oil

How to Cook
1. Chop the Korean green onion and chop the garlic and red pepper thickly.
2. Heat the pan to a hot pan, put on cooking oil, and cook the dumplings brown and transfer to a plate for a while.
3. Fry the dumplings in a pan with coarse chopped garlic and dried chili to taste like frying.
4. Put the chopped green onion, and season with the sauce.
5. When the sauce boils, add fried dumplings and mix.

Quick and Easy Cooking for Home Meal kindle 구입처

의견 등록

사이트 기준에 맞지 않는 욕설 및 수준이하의 비판, 모욕적인 내용은 삭제됩니다.


관련 커뮤니티

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