Seasoned noodle made with freshwater snail a n d vegetables mixed in sweet and sour noodles.

Cooking Master's Secret
- You can mix only freshwater snail, or add dried
pollack, fresh squid or dried squid.
- Vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and sesame leaves may be added.
- If there is no Seasonings for seasoned noodle, add red pepper powder and red pepper paste (red pepper powder 1 tablespoon, red pepper paste 2 tablespoon, soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon, sugar 1 tablespoon, vinegar 1 tablespoon, sesame oil 1 tablespoon, a little sesame salt, freshwater snail broth 3 tablespoon).

/Main Ingredients/
1 bottle of freshwater
snail (230g)
1 noodle

/Side Ingredients/
20g cucumber
1/4 onion
1/2 of green onions (20g green onions)
1 green pepper
1 boiled egg

Seasoning Sauce(sauce included
in commercially available seasoned noodle)
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Some sesame salt
3 tablespoon freshwater snail broth

How to Cook
1. Place freshwater snail on a sieve, leaving
a little bit of broth, and slice it into pieces or use it whole.
2. Cut cucumber in half, cut diagonally, pickle in salt, and cut onion in half. Cut
the white part of the green onion in half,
remove the wick, roll it up in layers, roll
it into thin pieces, and soak it in cold water with onions to remove the spicy taste.
3. Cut green pepper in half, remove seeds, and cut diagonally. Prepare boiled eggs as well.
4. Boil the noodle lightly in boiling water, pick it up quickly, rub, wash it, and drain it with a sieve.
5. Mix freshwater snail and all ingredients in a large bowl, mix with seasoning sauce
and freshwater snail broth. Add sesame oil and sesame salt and serve on a plate.
6. Put the noodle noodles in the bowl where
the freshwater snail was beaten, and lightly rub it, and serve next to the freshwater snail. Serve the cut boiled egg.

Quick and Easy Cooking for Home Meal 구입처

의견 등록

사이트 기준에 맞지 않는 욕설 및 수준이하의 비판, 모욕적인 내용은 삭제됩니다.


관련 커뮤니티

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