미 캘리포니아주 알라메다 카운티 고등법원에 한인판사 선임

미국 캘리포니아주 알라메다 카운티 고등법원에 한인 유미 K.리(46) 교수가 선임되었다.

제리 브라운 캘리포니아 주지사는 최근 리 교수를 비롯해 13명의 고등법원 판사를 임명했다.

알라메다 카운티 고등법원에 한인 출신 법조인이 판사로 임명된 것은 처음이라고 코트하우스뉴스는 전했다.

리 교수는 포모나 칼리지, 조지타운대학을 졸업하고 2005년부터 헤이스팅스 칼리지 법대 교수로 재직해왔다.

앞서 캘리포니아 제2항소법원 판사에 한인 2세 도로시 김(45) 로스앤젤레스(LA) 카운티 법원 판사가 선임된 바 있다.

또 뉴욕·코네티컷주를 관할하는 제2순회 법원과 캘리포니아주 제9순회 법원에 한인 마이클 H.박, 케네스 K.리 변호사가 각각 선임되는 등 최근 미국 각급 법원에 한인 법조인의 진출이 두드러진다.


Eumi K. Lee

Clinical Professor of Law

San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES

Professor Eumi K. Lee teaches the Criminal Practice Clinic and the Individual Representation Clinic, as well as Criminal Procedure and Legal Ethics. She co-directs the Individual Representation Clinic, where she started the clean slate practice in 2011. Her scholarship focuses on reentry and criminal justice reform, privacy and criminal records, and clinical pedagogy. 

Professor Lee received her BA from Pomona College and her JD from Georgetown University Law Center, graduating with honors. During law school, she was a founding member of the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law and served as a law clerk for the Office of Independent Counsel Carol Elder Bruce. After graduating from Georgetown, Professor Lee clerked for the Honorable Jerome Turner of the US District Court for the Western District of Tennessee and the Honorable Warren J. Ferguson of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Before arriving at UC Hastings, Professor Lee practiced at Keker & Van Nest and Thelen, Reid & Priest, specializing in criminal defense and commercial litigation. She has represented a broad spectrum of clients in both federal and state court, as well as various administrative forums. In addition, she has worked on numerous appellate cases, such as City and County of San Francisco v. Cobra Solutions, Inc., 38 Cal. 4th 839 (2006). Throughout her career, Professor Lee has engaged in extensive amounts of pro bono litigation, including an amicus brief on behalf of Fred Korematsu and others, in the enemy combatant case Rumsfeld v. Padilla, 542 U.S. 426 (2004). 

Professor Lee is actively involved in the community and the bar. She served as the President of the Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area (“AABA”) from 2014 to 2015. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Asian Law Caucus, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, and other organizations.


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